Sunday, September 27, 2015

Two Types of People

I'm a bad listener; there I've said it. My mind goes a million miles a minute and I often don't respond to what was previously said. I'm working on it. (What'd you just say?) 

Similar to most things in life, listening skills can only be acquired through both practice and a good balance. You have to learn how to fully take in everything the other person is saying while having the knack to think ahead enough to respond so you don't look like a fool when they finish and you need ten seconds to just..process. 

I'm trying to learn balance in my home, work and college life right now. It's a real doozy, let me tell ya! 

Here are some things I do to balance out my life; sometimes there are just two types of people inside one brain 

1. Sometimes I eat Twizzlers, sometimes I eat Red Vines. 

2. Sometimes I read National Geographic and other times I divulge in Cosmo magazine. Both blow my mind, no pun intended. 

3. Sometimes I return my cart and sometimes I jack it up on a curb.

4. Sometimes I listen to voicemails and sometimes I send a text saying, "Text me everything you just said in that voicemail."
5. Sometimes I slow down at yellow lights and sometimes I pretend I'm a Nascar driver.

6. Sometimes I bump rock music at 3am in a quiet neighborhood, other times I'm the irate sleeping angel who wants to kill aforementioned person bumping loud music at 3am in said quiet neighborhood.
7. Sometimes I write things down and other times I think, "Oh I will definitely remember this password I just made up that has no relevant significance to my life at all and my 74 item grocery list." 

8. Sometimes I do my homework well before the due date, sometimes I wait until 45 minutes before the due date.

9. Sometimes I wear two white socks, sometimes.... Ahh, who am I kidding. I don't even own two, white, matching socks. 

10. Sometimes I have gas all week, sometimes I run on 0 miles to empty until payday and look like a man who just got out of jail kissing the concrete sidewalk every time I arrive at my destination. 

11. Sometimes I eat bread, other times my idea of flirting is, "So do you like bread?" 

12. Sometimes I wear pajama pants, sometimes I don't. 

13. Sometimes I listen to others, other times I want to toss a Xanax in their mouth while they're talking and take a nap. 

14. Sometimes I finish my work, other times I blog to procrastinate! ;) 

15. Sometimes I Pinterest for hours, other times I order large pizzas for myself. (usually in that order) 

16. Sometimes I respond to text messages, other times I read them and get distracted by eight hundred other things... Like other people's text messages. 

15. Sometimes I exude myself in a professional and intelligent manner, other times I am sarcastic and probably don't mean 98% of what comes out of my mouth. 

My hope, dear internet friends, is that you find meaningful balance in your life as well. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

An Open Letter to Mel Robbins

Mel; my girl. (I almost pulled the emergency brake there and called you Mrs. Robbins, luckily I typed this intro within five seconds) I watched your TEDTalk; and I must tell you..

I'm one in 400 trillion.

I have an insatiable craving to inspire change, but you know what? You're right. ((stop and bask in that statement, we all love hearing we're right; just admit it)) People are waiting to feel like it.... I'M waiting to feel like it. To feel like not hitting snooze, feel like losing this back fat I have building up, feel like writing a five year plan or better yet this paper that's due; to feel like doing that damn thing I don't want to do. It's yet to hit me.

I watch people go down rabbit holes and never come back; so logic would assume I know better by now! I watched my Dad try to find the answer to his problems at the bottom of a bottle of vodka. It didn't ruin his health, but it sure wrecked his life.

I know better, and yet I find myself not doing that damn thing that needs done. We all do.

I hesitate. I do take, "no" for an answer. I hide in the shadow of others. I keep ideas in my mind until they are flimsy and feeble. But; I do have life changing ideas. The people that read this do, too.

I'm working on the whole, "getting said life altering ideas into... Life" thing.

Blogging is this incredible platform that has allowed me to reach people I otherwise would never have known. On the flip side, and more importantly, it has allowed people to reach me I otherwise would never have met.

People like us devote all our time, energy and thoughts to motivating others, that we forget the thing that fuels us..... Others.

You would never have a radio talk show or have written a book translated in other languages or have reached me, if it weren't for, well, people like me. It's kind of like how Amy Schumer wouldn't have had that flawless smoky eye if it weren't for her make up artist being on point; and the publicity for the make up artist? Where would they be without the hilarious, intelligent Amy?!

What's the point of my little tirade? (as I'm sure at this point you're wondering, and my blog is beginning to sound like an Emmy speech thanking all the loyal fans and supporters) My point is this: We all need to do the damn thing, and we need support to do so. So I guess I'm thanking you for telling me to get up tomorrow 30 minutes early and rip the sheets off me and just rise and grind. I'll let you know how that goes..

I can't bake a perfect cake or twerk or have any sort of any form in any sport, but I can write....Or try.

So here's me turning the tables; instead of you asking what you can do to inspire change and help me reach my goal, what can I do? For me and for you. You have the luxury of seeing society from a multitude of angles, and I have this little corner of the internet to share my ideas.

You tell people to step outside their comfort zone, get outside their own head, and jump into the great unknown essentially..

And that's grand.

I tell people that all the time. Mostly, I look myself in the foggy bathroom mirror after my self-deprecating shower and tell myself those things. (side note; bathroom lighting should really be more of a dim, flickering candle on the other side of the curtain) We're imperfect as people. We're filled with flaws and quirks and if we talked to others how we talk to ourselves we would have no friends. But we need support, nonetheless.

So tell me this, Mel.. Tell me while I'm not on autopilot. What was your greatest failure? I don't mean you went from one awesome career to the next, I mean down in the trenches of a bad decision and you had to dig yourself out with a rusty baby spoon.

You know what they say, "Curiosity kills the cat, but satisfaction brings it back." I want to know because we've all been there, and to trust what you have to say I need to know you care. I don't need to know you care about ME;  I need to know you care about your life as a pivotal one in history and the beginning of any great success begins with a failure.

They say dress for the job you want, and while I'd probably rather be naked on a yacht destroying my liver, I think from here on out I'll go with, "Create the job you want; just do the damn thing." So I'm writing this open letter to both drive traffic to your TedTalk ( because it's one for the books, and satisfy my own selfish need of knowing the beginning of your success..... Not in a tied-neatly-with-a-bow-in-an-interview format. To get the answers to my questions and stir up some thought in others in regards to all your brilliant ideas.

Moreover; I'm writing this thanking you for the inspiration. For sparking my curiosity. For giving me the power of the five second rule before my mind pulls the emergency brake and backs out. For giving my readers something to chew on overnight and a gem of wisdom to forward on to them.

Thanks, girl of my own heart. Now excuse me while I go do the damn thing I've been not feeling like. Time to act on my being 1 in 400 trillion. You too, all eyes across this page.

Monday, September 21, 2015

A Room of Brilliant Minds

Hi, my name is Sarah and I'm a blogger.

Let's get that out of the way, before I divulge in things that probably should be kept in a journal, in a safe place... But what the heck! It's 2015; privacy is nothing but an empty promise. And trust me; my journal is significantly worse; and raw. We'll keep that puppy behind closed doors. But here, I can choose which tidbits to share! ;) You're welcome.

So I'm in this new career as of late. One that's a whirlwind of information and being able to sell ice cubes to Eskimos; if you catch my drift.

Usually the people that read my blog are a hop, skip and a jump away.... So I can write about my personal life without the inevitable eye rolls the next morning. I think I have a few eyes that I'm going to see at work tomorrow, though.

I digress..

I've realized over the past few weeks that we are always sitting in a room of brilliant minds. We often find ourselves with tunnel vision to the monotony of our daily tasks, and overlook the brilliance that's right in front of our noses.

I'm learning to live with eyes wide open. To sit in a room with no windows and air conditioning that works better than I love, and realize that each person has overwhelming amounts of knowledge tucked away. Knowledge that I crave.

The people surrounding you have things you need; things you can learn from. They can teach you to have discipline to teach, humor to connect, to nurture and protect, and be down to earth to learn and grow.

Someone you know has the patience of a saint. Someone you know has the sense of humor to make your stomach ache from laughter. Someone you know has astounding musical talents and endless information. Someone you know has the heart of a warrior. Someone you know has the nurturing kindness of a mother. Someone you know has countless stories to tell and a welcoming charisma. Someone you know never gives up and is endlessly supportive. Someone you know is quirky and weird and outrageously relatable. Someone you know is independent and faithful. Someone you know is athletic, quick-witted and the friend I'd love to have.

We coast through life and don't see each other's strengths.

Maybe I'm just speaking to myself and this iPhone notepad, but I forget to recognize the greatness in others all too often. The greatness that I want to see in myself. I forget to seek out and make note of the traits in others that I can learn from.

So today, I'm going to recognize the brilliance in each room. I'm going to recognize the givers, lovers and fighters surrounding me.

I'm going to enter a room expecting greatness, and if I can't see it, I'll look harder.

But most of all, I'm going to BE that greatness in a room of brilliant minds. I'm going to be the person I'd like to know and the friend I'd love to have. I hope you choose to, too.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

things I love && those I don't particularly like..

i love...

rooting for the underdog;

telling the difference between a drunk and sober tattoo {{that's for life, baby-doll}}

all songs TaySwift;

saying, "This is heavenly,"

hearing the words, "I like you,"


when you have uncontrollable laughter;

witnessing people realizing their own self-worth and potential;

selfies with deep, relatable quotes;


when my older sister says, "I luhhh you sissia." and then turns around and calls me an idiot, that's how you know she loves me;

wrinkles and grays, it's endearing and the wisdom is unsurpassable;

when I talk to someone and they start to light up and talk faster and you can see their passion beaming, and they just can't fit all they want to tell you in one breath. do that. more often.

lace and sunshine;

my siblings, I could put them on here ten times over;

falling asleep to audiobooks and documentaries;

&& I am not too fond of...

keyboard warriors. Isn't there some unspoken rule that anything you wouldn't say in person you shouldn't say on the internet?! #rude;

when the kiosk asks me, "is $74.70 okay?" No. I want all this for a dollar. Especially the superfluous things I just picked up in this forty five minute line, Wal-Mart. THANKS, no thanks;

sincerely not being able to make a mental map;

first-day-on-the-job jitters.... Let's be serious, 1-364 day jitters. Do they ever wear off?! Am I adult-ing right?!

the cold;

when you have uncontrollable laughter at the most inopportune moments {like training class, church, lecture, exam, beginning of a business call.. the usual haha};

losing people you love, slowly. Having to watch them slip away and be someone you don't even recognize;

waking up with 13 minutes to get ready and having time to contour your face, shave your is-it-winter-yet gorilla legs, play a round of putt-putt WITH keeping score and top it off with a strawbana smoothie, but wake up with an hour and a half and you might as well just call in.

this whole NaeNae thing... Can we just, not? Please;

pretending to be anyone but yourself.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Protect Your Happiness

want to turn off my phone, indefinitely. Go all Cheryl Strayed, pack a bag twice my weight, and start hiking. Better yet, I'm craving a few years of solitude in a picturesque countryside and then five more rocking Urban Outfitters in a city nobody knows my name. 

"Off the Grid," seems to be a perfect summation of how to stay happy, or find happy these days. 

We live in a whirlwind of instant gratification, snippets of fairy tale lives on social media, and the comparing-ourselves-to-others epidemic.

It's brutal; I know. 

I'm living it right along with you, sweet pea. 

But I'm not turning off my phone or disappearing. I'm finding happiness and I'm protecting it. 

I've discovered a few simple truths that help me out, on the daily. Here's my 23 years young words of advice to you, for what it's worth ;) 

1. We're all in different seasons of life. All the engagements, baby announcements and seemingly financial security everyone else is experiencing does not mean you or I have to be on the same path, and that's completely okay. Go do the thing that's fitting for your story. "Travel the road less traveled." 

2. Social media is a façade of happiness where only the shiniest details of our lives are shared. Don't let yourself be intimidated by this; be real. 

3. There are adult-ing adults that still don't know what they want to be when they grow up. It's a perpetual journey. I don't think life has one big AH-HAH! moment, so stop seeking it so hard. Make each moment one to look back on. 

4. Cheryl Strayed's tactic would probably end up in my death, not self-discovery. I guess I'll go with motivational quotes, some good self-help audiobooks, laughter and endless bubble baths. If you're lost a little, too.. You don't have to venture in rattlesnake territory to find yourself, just find a challenge and face it head on. 

5. You're surrounded by brilliant minds at all times. We each have countless gems of wisdom to share. Build relationships and learn. 

6. You're going to fail, relentlessly. But guess what? It took Edison TEN THOUSAND prototypes before he successfully created the lightbulb. Go 10,001 before you quit. 

7. This one is near and dear to my heart, and seems to be a mantra I replay repetitiously in my mind: Hurt people hurt people. Whether some one is snippy with you, or you're rude to some one else, remember we are all struggling. Be kind. Understand the not-all-unicorns-and-glitter parts of life affect people differently.

8. Love fiercely. Everything and everyone. 

9. Exercise. No, I'm not fat shaming. All bodies are beautiful, truly. However, heart disease and clogged arteries are not. Getting the serotonin flowing and looking at yourself in the mirror thinking, "I'm a bombshell," or, "I'm a stud," really does wonders for your self-image. Try it. Not to look good FOR other people, but to FEEL good for and about yourself. To live a healthy lifestyle so you can enjoy this chaotic life as long as you can. And gym selfies, chyeahh, c'mon. ((Hahah)) 

10. Learn how to protect your happiness. Get rid of toxic relationships. Write lists of positive affirmations. Set aside $2 every check for your vacation fund. Start small, and keep working. 

11. Believe in yourself in whatever you do. Wholeheartedly. You know what they say, "Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right!" 

12. Repeat steps 1-11. Remind yourself steps 1-11 are easier said than done. Keep trying to repeat steps 1-11. Share steps 1-11 with your friends. How many times can I say, "steps 1-11?" 

Protect your happiness and you'll be alright, honey. Believe me. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A Jacked Up Person

I'm a firm believer that we all have a skeleton or two in our closet; maybe just a bad memory you keep tucked away. Maybe you have a bad habit or you get really insecure or you run away from problems. I wouldn't know. 

I do know that I'm just like you, though. I have things I'm ashamed of, things I'm proud of, things I'm working on.... I'm perfectly flawed. I'm human. 

We're all a little scarred. We're all "damaged goods." We bring our past inevitably into our future, try as we might to selectively block memories out, it happens. We're messy, insecure, confident, needy, independent, walking oxymorons..... and no matter how much you try and refute it, we all have a deep need to belong in some way. To a team, to a group of friends, to a club, a work environment, to a loved one; we love to belong. 

So don't find the perfect person.

Find a jacked up person. 

Find a person who is an absolute mess and you love every second of them unraveling. 

Find the person with scars who isn't afraid to heal. 

Find beauty in the beast. ((Pun intended)) 

It's all messy. 
The bed,
the hair, 
the words, 
the heart. 

Life is one big mess.

So find the jacked up person that you find to be absolutely perfect. Find the person who's quirks you find incredibly endearing. Find the person you can't stay mad at. Find the person you would forgive a thousand times over. Find the person that's flawed, just like you, and you wouldn't trade it for the world. 

And then unravel the mess of life together. 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Things People Should Say WAY More Often..

...and this is only the start

You are gorgeous; inside and out. 

Here's free cake. 

Take tomorrow off- paid.

I like you. 

I miss your face. 

Here's blueberry waffles and a King-sized bed. 

You're an incredible person. 

Thank you. 

You can nap all day today. 

That was heavenly. 

Your smile brightens my day. 

Can you help me?

Come over for dinner tonight! 

We're equal, no matter where you come from in life. 

You are the bees knees.

Man, I just LOVE to crochet. 

I'm so happy.

I don't know what I would do without you.

Be ready by 6; I have a surprise for you. 

I can't wait to learn. 

I love you.

Let's go outside. 

Here's a taco and $1,000. You're welcome. 

I just love that Word Medic blogger girl. 

When You're Intelligent and Dumb/ Awkward all at Once

You go from the wormhole of string theory to asking how color blind people read stop lights. Or, like, do blondes like, really, like.. Have more fun?! 

You write ten page papers for class in an hour.. WITH footnotes, but it takes you 3 hours to come up with, "Hi, good morning," in a text message. 

You nail interviews, but nailing directions... It just won't ever happen. GIVE A, GIVE A, GIVE A GARMINNNN!!! 

Your pencil basically has autocorrect built in, but.. Your mouth? What just came out? Did you say that out loud?! Errrrr nerrrrrrr. 

Just because you KNOW the difference in what's good for you and not, doesn't mean you always act on said-good-thing-to-do.

You write a dissertation the night before and have no fear of good marks; put you in front of an attractive man and you lose 99% of your vocabulary, your ability to both hold a conversation and stand in a normal position. 

You deliberately avoid Barnes and Noble on paydays, but justify going to and Bye, Bye paycheck! Hasta la vista eating anything but ramen! 

You make the same mistake, oh.. 472,758,892 times, you know.. Just to be REAL SURE. 

You strive to travel the world, but if you're asked what any of the state abbreviations are you will probably say AR is Arizona... And you were BORN in Arizona. Ba dum chhhh. 

When your friend shows you a picture of a famous rapper and says he is her baby's daddy, you say, "Oh! He's attractive. Good for you!" and then realize he just released a new album. Let's just say ANY reference in pop culture you. will. miss. 

You just lack basic life skills. Why do time zones even exist?! Time is relative! Ugh... Calculating time zone differences is NOT the bees knees. 

You are not smarter than a 5th Grader. But you memorized all the questions after getting them wrong. ((second chances, anyone?))

You're getting a degree, but still don't know all the caveats to doing your own taxes and signing up for health insurance. 401K, just take my money.. 

You know the origin of every food on the menu, but still wish your parents could just order FOR you. And go ahead and just forget asking for a refill or a box. AW-KWARD. Let's just rule out human interaction as a whole, you usually make things weird, sweet pea. 

In select circles you're known as the scholar, in other tighter-knit circles you're known as, "the mess that we still love anyway."