Hi. My name is Sarah and I am a basic b****.
There's this viral idea sweeping the internet that if you love certain things, you may be basic. Well, I check off 99% of every list, every time. So I thought in light of those lists, I would tell you all the reasons why I'm basic.
Let's get all of the obvious reasons out of the way first
I breathe.
I walk.
I often wear shoes.
I own many plain, white, basic t-shirts.
I take showers.
I have a phone.
I brush my teeth and floss.
Okay, now let's go under the microscope:
I do like tattoos of:
Silhouettes of birds
Dream catchers
Infinity signs
Script in a different language
I will dance like a fool to Taylor Swift's "Shake it Off" video and not be one bit ashamed.
I love wax melts that smell like the holidays.
I usually add filters to my pictures. Or five.
I go nuts with Victoria Secrets 5 for $26 panties! (No pun intended)
I love the television show New Girl like nobody's business. I once watched an entire season in one day, and probably looked like Penny from Big Bang Theory when it was over.
I love leggings. No, I don't just love leggings... Leggings are my WARDROBE. I have a slight legging addiction Jenna Marbles style.
I am all about Apple iPhone. I jumped on the Apple train (does that make any sense) a little while ago. Once you go IPhone, you never go back.
I love Ugg boots. I love knockoff Ugg boots. And if you can honestly tell me that you don't enjoy wearing slippers for the entirety of your day and them passing as acceptable shoes, you're just strange.
I take Selfies. A. Lot. Of. Selfies.
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Ahh, a mirror selfie with iPhone. BASIC. |
I like Starbucks. It wakes me up when I need a big kick of caffeine. I don't dig PSL (Pumpkin Spice Lattes) though. -1 basic point.
I would LOVE to have a Michael Kors watch that costs half my paycheck. Along with a purse that costs more than $20. And I would love to only buy NorthFace fleece. Period.
The point of my little tirade here, is that just because I'm "basic,"doesn't mean I'm not multifaceted as well. Just because I listen to TaySwift doesn't mean I can't love WuTang Clan and just because I love Ugg boots, doesn't mean I can't rock some Nikes. I think it's pretty shallow to categorize people as basic, because, well, we're all basic.... Basically unique in our own ways.
There's a much deeper, intelligent side to all of us! Sure, you may enjoy a good old cup of Starbucks, but since when do your taste buds dictate your intelligence?! The thing about most of these "basic b****" classifications, is that they are related to material possessions or preferences. Leggings, Ugg boots, a purse more expensive than $20, etc. Look at the list, many of these items are expensive! So if you love them, congrats!! You probably work hard and have earned them! Congrats on getting the opportunity to be basic, it'll cost ya a pretty penny! ;)
If what you love is popular, it shouldn't matter. If what you love is NOT popular, it shouldn't matter. Let's just LIKE what we LIKE. That's it!
And to finish off with a really basic b***** thing to say, "Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top!"
...no, seriously though. You're perfect. Flaunt that basic self! ;)
This is so AWESOME! I had a conversation with a friend about the negative connotation associated with being "basic".