Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A Gentle Giant I call "Bro."

My brother. We used to be pretty distant, not really close at all actually. We would see each other at family functions and here and there send a text, but we drifted apart for quite some time. As kids, you fight to keep your siblings twenty feet away from you and your stuff at all times.... You take advantage of being in the same house together, eating together, and seeing each other every day after school and every weekend. And then you grow up. As adults, building relationships or keeping them alive can often end up a challenge in this busy world we live in.

Recently we have been talking and hanging out, and I have so much respect for him. Ashamedly, I can't say I always did. Not that I disrespected him, or disliked him, he just wasn't in my life to any capacity for me to form any sort of valid opinion. I knew I loved him and he was my brother; my family. But now, more than ever, I know the bond between a brother and sister can be one to fill many voids in a heart.

My brother is a gentle giant. No, legitimately- he hovers at 6'4" with a whopping shoe size of 14. He can palm a bowling ball like it's a piece of bubblegum.

Although he fulfills so many roles in my life right now, I also have to remember my role. To lift him up when he is down. To crack a smile when he is heartbroken. To pretend like I know what he is talking about when he speaks in a foreign language called "sports." To remind him that any girl would truly, truly be so lucky to have him in their life. To teach him the impact he has on me, my older sister, and my younger sister. To pay attention to his endless knowledge on tiny houses and cars. To read the books he recommends and open my eyes to the insight he has shown me. To laugh with him about stupid inside jokes. To give him a hard time and a kick in the ass when he is being lazy. To annoy him so his worst complaint is that I talk too much.

To just be there for him. Like he is for me.

You see, girls are always saying that "guys suck," and sometimes when I have hurt feelings I have felt the same way. But he has shown me, and reminded me, that not all guys suck. Some of them are great big brothers who any girl would be lucky to have. So remember that as you go through this crazy, hectic thing called life- Don't settle, bro. Know what you bring to the table, because I can see it from where I stand.

Through the years we may drift apart, but I will always cherish and look forward to the days we grow closer.

I love you big bro. I may not always say it, but thank you for being my brother.

Thanks for building tree forts with me. Thanks for ripping the heads off my barbies so I learned how to be crafty. Thanks for switching chores so I didn't have to empty the dishwasher. Thanks for going on hikes with me. Thanks for saying "a pack-pack and a kwof kwof" so every time I use a back pack or a wash cloth I giggle. Thanks for singing hickory dickory dock the mouse ran up the clock in a really epic way. Thanks for eating ten pounds of candy with me while we watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Thanks for giving me unbiased advice. Thanks for letting me vent. Thanks for giving me a dead leg when I least expect it so I get quicker reflexes. Thanks for all the memories we have had together so far, and all the memories we have left.

To everybody who has a brother, remember to never take them for granted. You may think you are total opposites, but you also may be completely wrong. Family is forever; build the relationships that will be there in the end.

The older I get, the more I see how blessed I am to call my family mine.

Even if relationships seem distant and severed, take a leap of faith and make a phone call. Who knows? Your best friend or family may be on the other end of the line waiting for you to come back in their life.

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