Sunday, August 31, 2014

Everything Is True On The Internet

...Or people act like it! 

We come across advice on blogs or in our FaceBook feed and we take it. It seems that whatever social media can shove down our throats is how we end up acting. I encourage you, no I command you ((guys, I'm the Queen of this internet space, get over it!)) to research and think about and discuss what I tell you on my blog. Some of my advice is not going to be right for you, or anybody but myself, so I'm not bashing all other blogs and promoting mine here- I'm just as guilty of feeding people advice they may take to heart! 

A big trend right now are the classic, "What You Should Know By Your 30's" "Things I No Longer Care About At 25" "Life Lessons I've Learned In College" "Lessons I've Learned in Divorce" ....okay, get the gist, physicist?! One thing I keep wandering across in ALL of these articles is the notion that as you get older you are supposed to stop caring about what other people think. 

Stop. You don't. You still care (I hope you care) and if you don't, I would ask that you reconsider! 

Let me pause here for a moment and say there is a HUGE difference between 'caring' what other people think, and 'letting what other people think dictate your own life.' There is a difference in always needing to be a people pleaser, and simply caring what other people think. I'm asking not that you become obsessed with the need to please all those around you, but that you consider what other people think. Maybe if we had people in the world that cared about what others thought, we'd be much better off?? 

This whole 'don't care what anyone has to say' movement is a bummer! 


Care that people perceive you as a caring, compassionate, kind, considerate, helpful person. Care that people look to you for advice. Care that you are a role model even if you don't know it. Care that your actions and decisions affect other people. 

It is not uncool to care.

So next time you come across this, which you will in about point five seconds if you're browsing the internet, stop and care about people and things and causes; it's okay. And while you're at it, let your friends know it's cool to care too! 

1 comment:

  1. This is a great advice, Sarah. Although I'm one of those who will actually say not to give a damn about others say about you, it's just me saying not to take it too personally when they say really nasty things. Knowing and being confident in who you are and being open to suggestions and criticisms.

    You're right, it is still cool to care.
