Blinkers. People who know how to use blinkers. People who use blinkers. People who know what a blinker means. People who respect blinkers. Can I get an amen?!
Free ice cream after meals. This may be a dangerous move, but anything worth having is worth the risk. (I think that quote applies to ice cream, right?!)
Shark Week on Animal Planet.
Healthy snacks that are cheaper than a Big Mac... Or McDouble.
People who speak more than one language.
Machines that get you ready in the morning while you sleep in.
Honest people. Who tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God!
Websites like, "The Onion," that help you decipher fact from fiction.....and play really cruel jokes on people who have no idea the basis of the site.
^^SIKE! We have enough of those that probably shouldn't exist in the world.
Giving people. Selfless people.
Drama between celebrities.
^^NOPE don't need that either.
Love. Romance. Intimacy. Love notes. Date nights. Pickin' up what I'm layin' down? Smell what I'm steppin' in? ((Ew. Who uses that line in real life?! Please shake your head no.))
People who are currently living their dreams. As Aesop Rock so eloquently puts it, "You can dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it; cause dreamers always chase but never get it."
Math with letters in it............Joke.
Bars for people to get schwasted and make poor life decisions.
^^Oh wait. One on every block--Check!
Environmentally-safe paper (or some Eco-friendly material) plates; so I can refuse to do dishes and not feel a twinge of guilt.
Photos. Images. Cameras. Pictures.
People who understand sarcasm, and can respond to it without being offended.
Genuinely nice people. Who are nice to be nice, not to get something in return.
^^Because two on every block is simply not enough.
And while we are at it, I'm going to jump on the beauty pageant train and say-- world peace.
The world needs to know peace.
With Concern,
Lol I think the world also need a lot of trees and green lives not technology doing every thing and deforestation taking place.