You see,
if we find ourselves in a bad situation for long enough, it eventually becomes
home to us. The dark, scary place it may have been at the beginning is no
longer how you perceive it in your heart. You see this scary place now as a
comfort zone. For you, this may be a relationship that you aren’t fulfilled in
and you stay there because it’s what is comfortable. For others, it may be a
job that you have stuck with for years on end because the pay was good and the
risk didn’t seem worth it to change. If you stay in this rut for long enough,
you end up decorating the walls, dusting the cobwebs away, and putting your
feet up for a while.
reason our way out of that gut feeling that tells us to change. We may want to
prove everyone else wrong, we may not trust ourselves or any other advice, and
we may be relying on that comfort ‘pit’ to provide us with a sense of worth. It
depends on what kind of rut you are stuck in, and how you got there to begin.
What matters now is that you realize this hole you are in has been disguised as
a comfy place to hang your hat; but it’s not.
This kind of rut is the last kind you want to be in, because
you can’t get out without work…..And we don’t want to do the hard work it takes
to get out. It’s uncomfortable; extremely. Although that hole you fell
in was uncomfortable getting in, it’s now become home, so getting out is terribly uncomfortable.
writing this to tell you that you can know freedom. You can know peace. A few
tips I have found useful in my ongoing journey to step outside my comfort zone
are as follows:
Commit to getting out of the rut you are in.
Recommit to getting out on a daily basis, on a
moment to moment basis if you have to.
Push your boundaries. You will discover that
things that once were natural for you have become challenging. If you are
uncomfortable in the situation, evaluate why, and then proceed if it is due to
wanting to only remain in your comfort zone.
Know that the butterflies in your stomach are a
sign of progress!
Enjoy the challenge ahead. There is a huuuuuge
difference in doing what we know we should
be doing, and doing what we have a desire to do. In the end, you will always go
back to doing what you ultimately WANT to do, so make sure your desires and
your actions are aligned with one another.
Addictions become our comfort zones.
Toxic relationships become our comfort zones.
Dead-end jobs become our comfort zones.
Ruts come in all different shapes and sizes; some with Gucci hand
bags and fancy sports cars as a disguise; know when and how to recognize a
potential pit in your life. Just because something is comfortable, doesn’t mean
you should decorate the walls and live there.
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