Friday, July 11, 2014

"Why Do You W R I T E?"

I got asked the other day, "Why do you do it?" 
In a state of confusion, I asked "Do what?" 
"Why do you write if you don't even know anyone is reading. Doesn't it sometimes feel like a waste of time?" 
And to answer the question short and sweet:
"No. It does not ever feel like a waste of time, but thanks for your concern."
{albeit, rather rude concern..}
I write because it makes me happy to write, and I think people should do things that make them come alive and feel happiness.
{{If you haven't read my post about following your dreams, find it here }}
But to be honest; my answer should have been a lot more candid and truthful. So this is, stranger who asked me why I write, the real answer I owe you..
Sometimes I just stop in my tracks. I grab my phone or jot it down on a piece of paper...words catch my attention. Events, memories, smells, sights, desires.. They inspire me and I simply HAVE to remember 'whatever it was.'
And usually the things I write down are powerful for me; for self-realization. I have epiphany moments and maybe writing down two words helps wrap up this inner monologue and battle in my own mind. It may come weeks, months, or even years later, but when the words come to me, all is well. I gain a sense of clarity and understanding. But there's this crazy off-chance that maybe my two words will impact you as well. Yeah, I get it. It's far-fetched and absurd.... But maybe it's absurd to think that we're not all battling the same things. That we haven't all experienced the same emotions. Maybe it's far-fetched to think that my writing couldN'T impact someone struggling or dealing with the same things I am. That's why I write.
Maybe I will allow one person to go outside their comfort zone, to inspire someone to follow their dreams, to ignite a passion for life, to help someone else have an epiphany moment in this crazy thing called life. I write because sometimes I don't know what I think until I read what I say, and just maybe...there's a few other people like me out there.
I write because the world around me is filled with inspiration; I never want to forget that.......and there's this crazy, far-fetched, absurd chance... That it just might inspire you too. 
So whether it's watching 79 episodes of Netflix in a row, kissing your kids goodnight, getting lost in a good book, sculpting your near-perfect muscles, taking your dog on a walk, gardening, or whatever it is that makes you happy; do that. 
And most importantly,
don't let people question why you do it. 
With Love,
PhotoSoul Sarah.

1 comment:

  1. You Go, Girl....keep InSpiring and do noT sToP .... ��✒️✏️��
    #livingthedream #godisgreat
