Saturday, November 7, 2015

Trusting Yourself- The Struggle Is So Real

Hi, sweet pea. 

I know you're going through life and at the very minimum of ten times a day you think to yourself, "Am I doing this right?" In life, in love, in what restaurant to eat at... Window or aisle seat? Full blown panic attack; heartbeat of a hummingbird. 

Decisions stress you out to the max. You don't want to make the wrong choice, make a wrong move, or the worst, let somebody down. 

There is always, without a doubt, a cloud of uncertainty filling your mind with fear. 

It's easy to trust other people now. It's easy to say, right now, I'm going to depend on your word. I'm going to let you in. But trusting yourself, that tiny inner voice... That's a whole different game. 

It's time to trust yourself.

It's time to listen to your gut feeling. To put aside that overly-analytical, pessimistic, worry-wart of an inner-voice. Slice up that voice box and throw it away. Have you ever thought about how many friends you would have if you talked to them how you talk to yourself?! 

I'd have zero. They would hate me with a seething passion; so why do we talk to ourselves like that?! 

I'm trying this new thing in life called, "trusting myself." Trusting myself enough to follow my dreams. I'm trusting that I have to fill my own cup before it can overflow to others. Trusting myself on what my tastebuds want to eat. 

Most of all, I trust myself to move past the failure of making a wrong decision. Choosing stupid Chipotle over Qdoba. Choosing the wrong path, the wrong job, the wrong partner, the wrong hobby.. 

Being trustful that my life will be filled with disappointments, mistakes, anxiety, and wrong decisions, but that I've let my passion lead me. I've listened to that tiny voice I so often hush, and I've followed my heart. 

And in the end, I trust that I will lead a grand life. Filled with extraordinary monotony and all the love a life can possibly hold.

I hope you too will choose to give yourself far more credit than you have been; listen to that tiny, whispering voice you've been hiding. 

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