Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Oh the topic of swimsuits.. #BikiniBodyReady

"Bikini body ready," is usually the term us women (and men) like to go with. Summertime has this special way of bringing out ALL our body image insecurities, well, because you can't hide anything under that warm, comfy sweater anymore! Winter clothes are in bins in the garage and there is no more hibernation! Your body is vulnerable and out there for all to see, or more specifically- for all to judge. 

Let me tell you a little secret though, we are our own worst critics. This cannot be MORE true than when those summer rays are beating down on us at the pool. We suck in our gut, hold our hands strategically over areas we don't feel comfortable with and try to make it look natural, and have a constant slew of negative self-talk the entire time we are out; and that HEIGHTENS when we see someone look us up and down or make a snide comment.

I have been told I am underweight. In fact, one manager used to let me eat at my desk because he was so concerned I didn't ever eat. It was weird. It also made me feel like there was something wrong with the way my body looked. Was I really TOO skinny? Or was I just at a healthy weight for my structure and personal body type? Was there something wrong with me? 

So how is it that I have been told I am underweight at times, but then put on a bikini and feel like a giant heifer? (#sorrynotsorry for the word choice) ALL of my flaws are now on display. My weird belly button and the stretch marks on my legs from growing too fast as a kid and my hip bones that awkwardly protrude and the freckles on my stomach next to my belly button..... It's just on display. It wouldn't matter if I was 85 lbs or 885 lbs, I would find something to feel insecure about. And so would you. Because it happens ALL. THE. TIME. 

Don't believe me? Spend ten minutes in a locker room at the pool and see how many girls ages 8-88 look at themselves in the mirror for extended amounts of time before going out to the pool. Body image issues are real and they are prevalent more than ever. 

Women who wear bikinis and are told they are, "promoting obesity," is unfair, and quite honestly.. Sickening. Does that mean when I wear a bikini that I am promoting being underweight or promoting anorexia or bulimia?! 

I think the thing people often lack to realize is that someone's clothes, or lack of clothes, does not mean they are promoting anything. It may just mean they are at the pool and that bikini they have on is the perfect attire to, you know, SWIM. In. A. Swimsuit. 

Next time you see someone that doesn't have your exact same body shape, remember you are looking at a human being. A human with feelings and a brain and a heart and yeah, maybe a little different size than you. 

Stop calling people whales, twigs, elephants, pencils.... Just stop comparing WOMEN (and men) to anything other than the beautiful HUMAN they are. Whether you are a size double 0 or 16 or you don't even care to know your size anymore, you are gorgeous. 

So let's stop all this, "bikini body ready," and just stick with, "Ready." 

Ready to be me in my own skin.
Ready to not put down other people.
Ready to build others up who are struggling with their body. 
Ready to have FUN swimming instead of worrying about how I look. 

I'm #ready, are you?! 

Now go put on that damn swimsuit and hit the pool, the water's nice!! 

P.S. Don't forget those awesome looking goggles that give you an instant lip job and make you look like Scuba Steve! 

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