Thursday, June 25, 2015

Fucking Fight or Give In

You know what you do when you can't take anymore? When you're flat on your back? When you've come undone? When the whole world is going wrong; just dead wrong. 

You get up. And you fucking fight. 

You don't lay there and feel sorry for yourself. You don't ask, 'why me?' And you do NOT stay flat on your back. 

You fight. 

Because you're worth it. 

You are god damn worth it. And you have a lot of fight left in you. 

You lost the love of your life. I get it.
You lost your job. I get it.
You lost your home. I get it.
You lost your favorite pet. I get it.
You lost a child. I get it. 

Stay on the ground and mourn your losses. Send novels of texts. Pour your heart out to friends. Bawl in the shower. Have an incessant dialogue in your brain of what you should have done differently. And then cry some more.......
Then get up. You do NOT lay on the ground and make a fool of yourself.

You get up.
And you fucking fight. 

You fight because although you are broken, you are rare. Although you are depressed, you are a light in the world. Although it's hard to just breathe sometimes, your breath inspires change.

The world needs you to show up, and fight. 

To hell with your loss. It's in the past. And it's time to build your future. It's time to learn from all you've done wrong and all you've done right. 

So you have two choices. You either stay where you're at. On the ground. Sad. Lonely. Depressed. Angry. Resentful. Hurt. Insecure. Needy. Or you get up, and you fucking fight. 

The way I see it, everything you lost will still be lost whether you stay on the ground or you choose to fight. Try as we might from feeling pain, we just can't prevent it. So you fight, or you give in. 

Don't lose yourself too. 
Choose to fight. 
You deserve it.

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