Thursday, June 18, 2015

Dear Time,

Dear Time,

The general consensus is that you heal everything. All it takes is a little you. My heart aches often because you seem to sit still; but, I know you are forever passing so I have to be patient. 

You have this magical (albeit rather painful) way of erasing our minds, or bringing peace in some way. 

In the chaos of disappointment and regret and rage and tears, you allow us to find purpose. In that purpose, if we are lucky, is the possibility of rescue. 

I've been yearning for something..anything positive to come of this gaping hole in my heart; striving for peace where there is sorrow. And I've realized that I now possess empathy that I never before have. 

So although in many ways I feel like three quarters of my insides are frozen solid, time has allowed me to see a ray of hope in my being.... A radical empathy for others. 

I can see a problem from a different perspective; I can say I've been there, let me take your hand and work through this together. Because let's be honest, heartbreak is the living worst. It swallows you whole and knocks you against a wall. We lose people we love, jobs we love, possessions we love.. And we have to learn to come to peace with it all so it doesn't control our destiny. So we can rise above it. 

It took the deepest break to allow me to gain this empathy, and in a round about way, I've grown thankful for this. Because maybe it will be enough to help someone's tears stop; to offer an encouraging word; to be a listening ear and to now possess a heart full of understanding. 

So for now, time.. I will try to let you do your thing.

Forever Hopeful You Heal Everything,
The Heartbroken. 

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