Thursday, May 28, 2015

Five or Twelve Things You May Not Know About Me

1. I want to see the new Jurassic Park with Chris Pratt. So. Bad. 

2. Nothing lasts forever.. Womp freaking wompppp.

3. My credit card expires in 2018. Every time I see it weirds me out. "Is this real life." #backtothefuture #scratchthat #thisisthefuture

4. My life is currently divided into eras.... Pre-Joe and Post-Joe. How pathetic. He's my main humie though, like... Forever. ((Okay, please resort to #2. Maybe one day my heart will jump on board with moving on..)) 

5. Which brings me to my next thing.. My blog feels like a dating profile at times.... Which is both scary and exciting. When random guys are just like, "Hey. I know this huge part of your heart..." and I'm like, "Hey.. DA fuqq are you?!" 🙌 Mad props for reading my blog though..I guess I have to give them that! 

6. I think if you feel like you were born in a world you don't fit into, it's because you were born to create a new one. 

7. If you're in my life I need to pick your brain; probe for answers. I need to play devils advocate. It's all in good fun, and I probably agree with your side, but I'm just trying to gain knowledge and perspective. Teach me how you see the world. 

8. In the movie, "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days," I wish I knew what her final article was when she gets out of the taxi and he gets off his bike and holds up the magazine. I wish I could swoop in on that scene and snatch up the magazine! ((OK! It's a movie, I get it. It's not a real article... Blah blah blah)) 

9. I've been told a thousand times certain things are, "just unforgivable." I call bullshit. Not because I'm some bible-thumping-freak who thinks I'm holier than thou, but because I've found we all sin differently. It's not my job to judge, what a terrible weight that is for a human heart... I'll leave that one to the man upstairs from this point FORWARD. ((Trust me, it's not something I can bare, I tried, didn't work. I'll just choose forgiveness)) 

10. I will marry the man who calls my work 'riveting.' ((HAHAA- okay, kidding.. Because I just gave away that key to my heart online.)) But dream with me here.. "..a riveting story about.." AHHH. I would kill to hear those words. 

11. I write people letters all the time. Long.. REALLY long letters. And I never send them. Not because they're bad or good or anything in-between, but because sometimes I just need to reflect myself, and actions speak louder than words ((GASP- I know. What's better than words?!)) but truly, these letters lay a foundation of well-thought-out THOUGHTS. Thoughts steer our actions. So, you're welcome everyone who has NOT received a long-winded-letter-but-has-received-solid-actions. ;) 

12. I like turtles. 🐢

So there's some useless information that may become useful while doing something useless. Chao! ✌️

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