^ we say weird shit like this, obvi. Totes acceptable to abbreviate every word. Strawbana smoothie, anyone?
We're too scared to feel. Too fucking scared to be open. Dating requires openness and being vulnerable and exposed, but we can't. We #canteven.
Because we've fallen before. We've shown our deepest parts to someone who left, someone who took the biggest parts of us with.
We've been hurt, and to knowingly revisit that hurt, would be dumb. We shut people out. We get so used to not feeling that eventually, we can't. We're used to being numb, so being casual is the norm. No titles. No commitment.
We're too fucking afraid to care.
We march by the beat of this, "live in the moment, #YOLO, experience every moment to the fullest," mantra; which is basically just an eloquent way to say, "I'm doing whatever the hell I want, this is living to me, so just make sure you don't get feelings."
But I call bullshit.
I think we're a generation who's been hurt.
Because casual isn't fun when you find someone who is brilliant and funny and sexy AF. Not caring isn't fun when one tiny cinder block falls off your wall and you start to wonder what it would be like to lose this person. Being numb loses it's protective shield when those 2am mornings creep in like an unwanted visitor.
And so we go in circles. We strive to not care so we don't get hurt, then we let our guard down when we least expect it. When our iPhones beg us to pick up the phone and text that someone, and it hits us, we're hurting; bleeding even.
Never healed.
And so our walls get fortified.
And we go on being the generation that never healed. The generation that was hurt. The generation that numbs because caring would be too much of a fucking chore; too big of a sacrifice for our YOLO lifestyle.
And I get it; because these circles might be better than that ultimate loss.
I just can't do it, though.
It's bullshit.
We're a generation that is too smart not to care. A generation that **insert Beyoncé song here** rules the world. Really.
This world is our oyster right now. While we are 24 and free. While we are educated and driven and charismatic and beautiful.
Now is the time to care, while the world is ours. So I'm begging you, millennials and beyond-- just care.
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