Saturday, September 12, 2015

Protect Your Happiness

want to turn off my phone, indefinitely. Go all Cheryl Strayed, pack a bag twice my weight, and start hiking. Better yet, I'm craving a few years of solitude in a picturesque countryside and then five more rocking Urban Outfitters in a city nobody knows my name. 

"Off the Grid," seems to be a perfect summation of how to stay happy, or find happy these days. 

We live in a whirlwind of instant gratification, snippets of fairy tale lives on social media, and the comparing-ourselves-to-others epidemic.

It's brutal; I know. 

I'm living it right along with you, sweet pea. 

But I'm not turning off my phone or disappearing. I'm finding happiness and I'm protecting it. 

I've discovered a few simple truths that help me out, on the daily. Here's my 23 years young words of advice to you, for what it's worth ;) 

1. We're all in different seasons of life. All the engagements, baby announcements and seemingly financial security everyone else is experiencing does not mean you or I have to be on the same path, and that's completely okay. Go do the thing that's fitting for your story. "Travel the road less traveled." 

2. Social media is a façade of happiness where only the shiniest details of our lives are shared. Don't let yourself be intimidated by this; be real. 

3. There are adult-ing adults that still don't know what they want to be when they grow up. It's a perpetual journey. I don't think life has one big AH-HAH! moment, so stop seeking it so hard. Make each moment one to look back on. 

4. Cheryl Strayed's tactic would probably end up in my death, not self-discovery. I guess I'll go with motivational quotes, some good self-help audiobooks, laughter and endless bubble baths. If you're lost a little, too.. You don't have to venture in rattlesnake territory to find yourself, just find a challenge and face it head on. 

5. You're surrounded by brilliant minds at all times. We each have countless gems of wisdom to share. Build relationships and learn. 

6. You're going to fail, relentlessly. But guess what? It took Edison TEN THOUSAND prototypes before he successfully created the lightbulb. Go 10,001 before you quit. 

7. This one is near and dear to my heart, and seems to be a mantra I replay repetitiously in my mind: Hurt people hurt people. Whether some one is snippy with you, or you're rude to some one else, remember we are all struggling. Be kind. Understand the not-all-unicorns-and-glitter parts of life affect people differently.

8. Love fiercely. Everything and everyone. 

9. Exercise. No, I'm not fat shaming. All bodies are beautiful, truly. However, heart disease and clogged arteries are not. Getting the serotonin flowing and looking at yourself in the mirror thinking, "I'm a bombshell," or, "I'm a stud," really does wonders for your self-image. Try it. Not to look good FOR other people, but to FEEL good for and about yourself. To live a healthy lifestyle so you can enjoy this chaotic life as long as you can. And gym selfies, chyeahh, c'mon. ((Hahah)) 

10. Learn how to protect your happiness. Get rid of toxic relationships. Write lists of positive affirmations. Set aside $2 every check for your vacation fund. Start small, and keep working. 

11. Believe in yourself in whatever you do. Wholeheartedly. You know what they say, "Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right!" 

12. Repeat steps 1-11. Remind yourself steps 1-11 are easier said than done. Keep trying to repeat steps 1-11. Share steps 1-11 with your friends. How many times can I say, "steps 1-11?" 

Protect your happiness and you'll be alright, honey. Believe me. 

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