Wednesday, September 23, 2015

An Open Letter to Mel Robbins

Mel; my girl. (I almost pulled the emergency brake there and called you Mrs. Robbins, luckily I typed this intro within five seconds) I watched your TEDTalk; and I must tell you..

I'm one in 400 trillion.

I have an insatiable craving to inspire change, but you know what? You're right. ((stop and bask in that statement, we all love hearing we're right; just admit it)) People are waiting to feel like it.... I'M waiting to feel like it. To feel like not hitting snooze, feel like losing this back fat I have building up, feel like writing a five year plan or better yet this paper that's due; to feel like doing that damn thing I don't want to do. It's yet to hit me.

I watch people go down rabbit holes and never come back; so logic would assume I know better by now! I watched my Dad try to find the answer to his problems at the bottom of a bottle of vodka. It didn't ruin his health, but it sure wrecked his life.

I know better, and yet I find myself not doing that damn thing that needs done. We all do.

I hesitate. I do take, "no" for an answer. I hide in the shadow of others. I keep ideas in my mind until they are flimsy and feeble. But; I do have life changing ideas. The people that read this do, too.

I'm working on the whole, "getting said life altering ideas into... Life" thing.

Blogging is this incredible platform that has allowed me to reach people I otherwise would never have known. On the flip side, and more importantly, it has allowed people to reach me I otherwise would never have met.

People like us devote all our time, energy and thoughts to motivating others, that we forget the thing that fuels us..... Others.

You would never have a radio talk show or have written a book translated in other languages or have reached me, if it weren't for, well, people like me. It's kind of like how Amy Schumer wouldn't have had that flawless smoky eye if it weren't for her make up artist being on point; and the publicity for the make up artist? Where would they be without the hilarious, intelligent Amy?!

What's the point of my little tirade? (as I'm sure at this point you're wondering, and my blog is beginning to sound like an Emmy speech thanking all the loyal fans and supporters) My point is this: We all need to do the damn thing, and we need support to do so. So I guess I'm thanking you for telling me to get up tomorrow 30 minutes early and rip the sheets off me and just rise and grind. I'll let you know how that goes..

I can't bake a perfect cake or twerk or have any sort of any form in any sport, but I can write....Or try.

So here's me turning the tables; instead of you asking what you can do to inspire change and help me reach my goal, what can I do? For me and for you. You have the luxury of seeing society from a multitude of angles, and I have this little corner of the internet to share my ideas.

You tell people to step outside their comfort zone, get outside their own head, and jump into the great unknown essentially..

And that's grand.

I tell people that all the time. Mostly, I look myself in the foggy bathroom mirror after my self-deprecating shower and tell myself those things. (side note; bathroom lighting should really be more of a dim, flickering candle on the other side of the curtain) We're imperfect as people. We're filled with flaws and quirks and if we talked to others how we talk to ourselves we would have no friends. But we need support, nonetheless.

So tell me this, Mel.. Tell me while I'm not on autopilot. What was your greatest failure? I don't mean you went from one awesome career to the next, I mean down in the trenches of a bad decision and you had to dig yourself out with a rusty baby spoon.

You know what they say, "Curiosity kills the cat, but satisfaction brings it back." I want to know because we've all been there, and to trust what you have to say I need to know you care. I don't need to know you care about ME;  I need to know you care about your life as a pivotal one in history and the beginning of any great success begins with a failure.

They say dress for the job you want, and while I'd probably rather be naked on a yacht destroying my liver, I think from here on out I'll go with, "Create the job you want; just do the damn thing." So I'm writing this open letter to both drive traffic to your TedTalk ( because it's one for the books, and satisfy my own selfish need of knowing the beginning of your success..... Not in a tied-neatly-with-a-bow-in-an-interview format. To get the answers to my questions and stir up some thought in others in regards to all your brilliant ideas.

Moreover; I'm writing this thanking you for the inspiration. For sparking my curiosity. For giving me the power of the five second rule before my mind pulls the emergency brake and backs out. For giving my readers something to chew on overnight and a gem of wisdom to forward on to them.

Thanks, girl of my own heart. Now excuse me while I go do the damn thing I've been not feeling like. Time to act on my being 1 in 400 trillion. You too, all eyes across this page.

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