Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hushing Your Inner Monologue

I'm sure my parents knew something was different about me when I bawled over my dead goldfish for hours; it was traumatizing okay. (P.S. He went to heaven, all is well, since I know you were concerned) 

I am extra, super, highly sensitive. And for some reason, the whole world thinks this is a bad thing... Which led ME to believe it was a bad thing. 

.........It's not. 

I've actually come to learn that it's a great thing, for any number of reasons! 

Sure, sometimes I just want to drink cheap whine and turn off my brain for even thirty seconds of relief from the constant onslaught of FEELINGS; but sometimes, it's nice to know exactly how I feel, why I feel, what that person across the room feels, how to help other people, how to ask for help myself.. It's nice to no longer hush that inner monologue. 

I don't think anything good ever comes from hiding emotions. Like... Ever. ((Well, if you're psychotic and you genuinely FEEL like killing someone or doing some terrible act.. You need to rethink your feelings. Like.. Stat!)) 

I wholly believe that we feel certain things for a reason. Maybe it's not always a good reason, but it's there. Your gut is telling you something just isn't right, you've been here before in another life it seems, or maybe you've never felt so incredibly happy in your life you just need someone to pinch you.... Or something we've all experienced a time or two, missing someone and not telling them for fear of seeming weak or desperate or clingy or needy. 

I call bullshit. I call bullshit on this whole nonsense about not sharing your feelings with yourself and with the people you care about. 

It's important to feel what you feel. Whether that may be anger or sadness or happiness or frustration, it's worth feeling. I don't think you can experience one emotion without all the rest. You can't feel true happiness if you've never had a day of sorrow, and you can't feel anger if you've never been at peace. 

Feel all the feels.
^^Yup. That was just said. 

I feel like that will get across better than, look, you have this one life, don't hide from the real moments in life. Don't hide from your emotions, and don't let anybody else silence them either. 

It doesn't make you weird or bipolar or crazy or too much to just FEEL. I promise. So please, do me a favor, and today, feel life as it hits you... 

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