Thursday, December 11, 2014

••Time Will Pass Anyway••

"Never give up on a dream because of the time it takes to achieve it. The time will pass anyway." 

I can't express enough how true this is; and how I wish I could engrave this on people's hearts. 

If you're over 40 and you want to go to college- Go. If you are 22 and want to start college but all your friends already have their degrees- Go. Start now. In twenty years, I promise you will wish you did. It's not too late. What is 'too late' anyways? Standards set for us by how society should function? Well, we don't all have the luxury to spend the next four years out of High School just learning. Maybe you had kids of your own who you dedicated all your time to. Maybe you had to work two jobs to make it on your own. Maybe you got married and followed him to a different state. Maybe you just didn't want to at that time. 

But now you do. And NOW is never too late. Think of your life after you graduate, the time will pass anyways. 

Is a big event coming up and you need to get in shape? Start now. The time will pass anyways. You're either going to feel confident and healthy and alive, or you're going to be crawling out of your skin uncomfortably the whole time. 

NOW is never too late. 

Did you stay with someone too long when it was time to walk away? Now you're thinking it's too late to dream of becoming a wife, a husband, a mom or dad. It's not too late. Time will pass anyway. Dream now. 

Whatever it is that time is holding you back from, start now. 

If it takes ten years, two months, fifty years..... Start NOW; because now is never too late. 

I don't care how gray you are. I don't care how inexperienced you are. I don't care what kind of looks other people are going to give you. I don't care if you never have enough time to finish. Start now.

It's not too late; time will pass anyways.