The dreaded question...
Where do you see yourself in five years?
It's a question we all get asked at some point in our life.
Where will you be in {insert year here.}
Don't get me wrong, it is great to be goal-oriented. In fact, you will get nowhere if at some point you don't sit down and think where you are headed and where you want to end up. I am all about setting attainable goals and working towards them, however; I don't believe in living a life around expectations of where I will be in say, five years.
My whole life has gotten flipped upside down on several occasions in just an instant. When I lost my baby brother, when I got my heart broken the first time, when I became an older sister, etc. Moments that take point five seconds to happen, and change you for a lifetime.
Events in life come that make the world stop; and then never quite be the same as it was before. Sometimes those are positive moments like graduating or getting married or giving birth to a precious baby, and other times those moments make you wish you could go back in time.
We don't know where our life will lead us five minutes from now, let alone five years from now. And although I strongly believe in goal-setting, I have learned that the one thing that is guaranteed to let you down is having unrealistic expectations.
Set goals that you can work towards every day, but don't wait and expect your life to change and be magical in a set number of years or after a set amount of events. Marriage, children, a dream career, a vacation etc are all great things to desire, but don't wait for happiness.
Don't expect happiness to come in five years.
Don't expect your heart to change in five years.
Don't expect your fulfillment to increase after you get married or after
'such and such' happens in your life.
Be happy now.
If you live your day to day life to the best of your ability now, you don't have to worry about questions like "Where will you be in five years?" Because in five years, you will look back and say wow; I could have never even began to imagine my life would look like this in five years.
If you're living right now, you can't even begin to imagine how your life will turn out in five years.
&&after all, it really is the small things in life that matter.
You there, you are just the bees knees!
Stop worrying about where you will be five years from now...
If you find happiness in the present, your future is simply unimaginable.
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