I look around and the faces are just… stolen. The nervous laughter of a mom going through divorce, the way it's forced to put up a wall so tall that no one can get in. The way nights turn into days from a father wanting to forget everything in his past. A sister hoping for true love to finally find the missing piece to her family of three. A brother trying to fulfill that empty void in his heart by strengthening his career. A prince trying to battle an all-consuming addiction. A little girl just wanting a kitty and her Daddy back at home to stay. And then there's me....
You see, I love- hard. I don't give people part of me, or half my heart. I’m not some façade of a girl, I’m real. What you see is what you get. I do wear my heart on my sleeve, every moment ((Who’s idea was that anyways, OUCH)) You could say I'm not your average twenty-one-year-old. But then again, what IS average anymore? I cry at the drop of a nickel.. I see the fear, the hurt in people's eyes. I want to just fix it all. Mend the broken hearts, be the light in the midst of a dark, dark world right now. I want to go to sleep at night knowing everyone I love most is just....happy.
You realize in times like these though, that family is really all that matters. Love conquers all. But sometimes love is the hardest thing you can do. Sometimes we are so filled with anger, so hurt, so upset; sometimes our blood is past boiling...and then you have to do it. You have to shove all that aside and be what people need.
You need to be the love that was given to us. Unconditional, forgiving love.
&&Sometimes, well, that’s nearly impossible. Just like controlling your dreams; not too many people I know have mastered “lucid-dreaming.” However, I know a person or two with night terrors.
Night terrors.
What a concept....
This bone-chilling, screaming with all the air in your lungs kind-of-feeling. The kind of nights where vivid imagery of your worst days just haunts you. It's like in King Kong where the gorilla snatches people up and they are just completely vulnerable. He could either crush them in his hands, or gently set them back down. Images like that replay in your mind until it's suffocating. No other thoughts are welcome..... For some comical relief here, yes...It's like being held in the daunting hands of a giant gorilla.
I know-TERRIBLE analogy. But you see my point! The constriction, the lack of control over your own body, the all-consuming nature.
Sometimes that’s love. That’s the deep, real, passionate love. To see every fault in someone else, and continue to love them.
&&this hurts.
A lot.
But I promise you, broken-hearted….
You will sleep again. You will love again. You will find the missing piece to your puzzle. You will gain that sense of accomplishment to fill the void. You will overcome your addiction.
This hurt will get better.
Everything you are going through is making you stronger. You are clay in His hands and he is forming you into the person you are meant to become. You may not see WHY you must endure this, but I promise you will later. This moment of hurt will be worth it.
You'll be able to dream again. You'll be able to love again.

I loved this post. It got me teary eyed!