Wednesday, July 6, 2016

A Little UMPH

I recently told someone that I didn’t consider myself an artist; “I doodle.” Much like how we don’t consider ourselves a writer until we are published, a professional until we are in the big leagues, or needing help until we’ve hit rock bottom.

We paint our days in thick hues of anxiety; of struggle; of love or joy. We choose.
… and how important is it to choose- what you are, who you are, where you plant your feet firmly and take a stand. You get to decide.

Sometimes we need a little push, though; we need a little UMPH in our self-image. We need to think of ourselves not as the monster who is epically failing through life, but as the perfectly flawed human who is trying.

And I urge you to TRY. I mean really t r y.

If I could write out all the fails I have in one day my blog would turn into Comedy Central. I spill drinks on myself and others, trip over flat carpet, have snakes that get into my house and give me minor heart attacks, lock my keys in my car, show up late to everything ever because something is perpetually keeping me, get my flip flops eaten by escalators and auto-correct is NEVER, EVER on my side; especially when I’m texting coworkers. I am queen of awkward social encounters. I won’t go on, you get the point..

If you think you’re not going anywhere because you’re just a huge hot mess; you’re dead wrong.
You need to start seeing that.
You are worthy and capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for.
You’re a writer, an artist, a mother or father, a professional and expert, and most of all, you are one of a kind.

We act like the whole, “one of a kind,” mantra is some giant cliché that just rings hollow.
It’s not. There is only one of you, on this planet…. And I can’t guarantee on other planets, but I know for sure on this one.

S E E that. LIVE like that.

Stop dumbing yourself down for relationships. Stop skipping the gym if you really want to see results. Stop giving your time and energy to people who don’t deserve it. Stop being afraid to say no. Stop procrastinating. Stop only applying for jobs you feel qualified for and start applying for jobs you’re passionate for.
Passion will always win. Always. You would be AMAZED what you can do with passion.
Stay up late and create a plan. I’m not saying this is going to be the easiest thing in the world. I’m not saying you’re not going to lose sleep, and yeah, probably the friends that aren’t really there for you. You’re going to get frustrated and worked up and at times want to climb Mt. Everest for the mere sake of screaming as loud as you possibly can, if it weren’t for lack of oxygen.

Your dreams are waiting.
But they won’t always wait for you.

They will get pushed to the side and hide beneath shiny walls of fake contentment. They will rest easily in the minds of someone else willing to make the sacrifices to make them happen. They will get shoved in the back of your mind, nagging at you to give them attention. They will ride comfortably in your daydreams, and your conversations with loved ones.

But the problem with your dreams living in all those places is that they were meant to come to life.

Stop waiting. You don’t have time. 
Consider your dreams done. 

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