Saturday, August 8, 2015

Today, Be in Awe

plan to be in awe today of the world around me. The 200-feet-high trees, the vast, undiscovered space beyond us, the cultures rich with history and untold stories.. 

It's so easy to have tunnel vision and only see my bank account draining, my heart missing people so much it hurts, the potholes in the road and the grueling monotony of a job. But life is so much more than that; I'm so much more than that. And you are so much more than that, too. 

My plan is to love like crazy. I think it's really the only option I have so I don't fade away. It doesn't have to be romantic love right now; I guess there's a certain beauty in standing alone. To create my own happiness. To face my fears. To choose window or aisle seat myself. To love a world created to be loved. 

Right now being in awe makes me feel the presence of something bigger than myself; bigger than my heartache and my problems. To see the world with childlike wonder and step outside of my plan-everything comfort zone. 

The world is filled with miracles, and I'm determined to witness them. It doesn't have to be a journey to the promised land or a goose-bump invoking sight, it just has to be real. I'm in awe of a world with opportunity and adventure, and with enough hard work, I'm determined to fill my soul where there are voids and  hopefully touch the life of someone else along the way. 

So today forget the fact that you have debt or thinning hair, the world is an astounding adventure waiting for you to dip your toe in. Today be in awe of whatever you can, it's guaranteed to transform you. 

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