Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Stars Will Never Align- Not for You

"We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong, the amount of work is the same." 

I've wanted to shut down recently. ((Scratch that, I HAVE shut down recently... Reference the date on my last blog post if you don't believe me)) Everything my heart was feeling was too raw to put on paper; too real, I suppose. Which is something that everyone has experienced, but no one wants to feel, or even remember how it feels. 

I've discovered recently that life presents itself in a way where it's always a beat too early or a moment too late. 

We want the stars to align, I mean literally... We want to look up in the sky with a giant arrow- "THIS IS THE RIGHT WAY." So we wait. We wait for the giant arrow. That feeling inside that says, "Yes. I am 100%." We wait to tell people we love them. We wait to leave people we don't. We wait to change our career path. We wait to click "Confirm" on that airplane ticket......

And the truth is this: You won't ever know 100%. (I know just as much as you, that royally SUCKS) The stars will never form anything other than what they're presenting to you right now. We have this infinite space. Space that has gone undiscovered and unexplored. We have places and things in this world that we cannot even fathom being in existence.... But the stars aligning is not one of those things. 

That SOMETHING that you're waiting for a sign for; this is it. These words rambling across this page is your sign. 

Go put in your two weeks. Go win her heart back. Go travel to a country you don't speak their language. 

Go do the damn thing. 

Stop waiting for a sign. Stop waiting for 100% certainty and no risks. 


If you don't do it for you, do it for the world. The world needs you. 

You're a part of history that will never, ever repeat again. You are unique. 

Don't be scared of who you are. Don't be scared of letting go of someone you loved or holding on to someone you loved. Don't be scared to follow your dreams. 

And I admit that I've waited for the stars to align. I've waited until I thought I would have the perfect words to write; I've scrambled hundreds of pages in my little Microsoft Word document journal. This is MY sign. Not the blog post itself, but my eagerness; my willingness to let go and be all that I can be in this world. My unfailing hope that the people who were meant to be in your life will infinitely find their way to you. 

I'm not going to make myself miserable. I'm going to make myself strong. The stars aren't ever going to align for me, anymore than they are for you. 

So this is your sign. This is your big arrow pointing you to do the damn thing you need to do; whatever that may be. 

We keep telling ourselves that as soon as THAT THING happens, we will be ready. We will rip the bandaid off and dive in head first.... But the truth is you won't; because that thing will never happen. Not for you. 

That fire that's rising in you as you get closer and closer to the end of this article is your sign. 

The stars will never align for you, and I would hate to see you wait forever and never do THAT THING because they didn't. 

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