Saturday, March 7, 2015

Wild Creatures

My silk comforter glides across my freshly shaven legs as I fumble for my phone to watch yet another New Girl episode on Netflix. My heart aches at the lyrics to every Taylor Swift song, and I try to convince myself that Chinese take-out could very well be a healthy option every night...... It's not; if you're wondering.

I sit here and I can't help but think to myself: Your heart is your biggest flaw. 

My heart encompasses this plethora of emotions that in my mind I know I should move on from, but my heart refuses. My heart sees the best parts and the worst parts in people, and loves them fiercely all the same. 

I still believe in soul mates. Unfortunately the world has taught me that sometimes soul mates gets pushed on their backs in the dark. The world has taught me that our experience with love is flawed; in every way imaginable.. 
But every once in a while, you get the chance to change that. 

You get the chance to dig your toes into the Earth and stand for what your heart wants. I've been told that 
hearts are wild creatures and that's why our ribs are cages.... Open. The. Cage. 

Maybe my heart is still my biggest flaw. Maybe hope for the future and nostalgia for the past are my two greatest weaknesses. Maybe I should cage my heart a little more often.

But today I'm not. 

Today my feet are gripping the Earth and standing up for my biggest flaw. Today my heart is first. 

Because one day, what my heart wants and my mind thinks will be one. 

I hope that you too will acknowledge your heart. Acknowledge the feelings you've been pushing aside.. Maybe it's an incessant aching you've been numbing with sweet wine and romantic comedies, or maybe it's an overjoyed spirit that you feel guilty of. Whatever your heart is yearning for today, I wish you the power to honor it. 

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