After twenty, you face the world a little bit alone. The things you learn actually stick, sometimes, and you learn on your own, not by being obedient and following direction. It’s this time in people’s lives where everyone’s lives look a little different…or, drastically different. Some people are leaving the nest and going off to college, some people are getting engaged or married, some people are having their second baby, some people are working full-time. But the Roaring Twenties have never felt better, because, well, you’re independent- and that means you can do anything your little heart desires! But in this journey of life, sometimes we stumble… into a great big mess or a little tiny fixer-upper; here’s twenty things I have learned after twenty!
Roaring Twenties |
1. If you run out of dish detergent, you can't use dish soap. Your entire kitchen will be covered in bubbles in less than 30 minutes.
2. That whole cleaning and laundry thing..... Yeah it is a pain in the, you know, when you procrastinate and put it off. And no, your Mom won't rescue you and do it for you this time.
3. You will probably not know if you want kids right away; and that's okay. One moment you're thinking it is your sole purpose and the next you're booking tickets to Hawaii to get an adventure fix. Enjoy the 'here and now.' Children will happen in His time if it was meant to..... So stop counting down on your biological clock and enjoy life the way it is right now!
4. You won't ever be able to cook your mom/grandma/brother/aunt/sister/dad's (whoever the chef is in your family) favorite recipe. You will probably sharpen your skills at cooking, and it will even be delicious. But just stop trying that one recipe-- leave it for the pros. Create your own secret recipe that nobody else will be able to master!
5. Feeling like you have failed, bawling your eyes out thinking you took too many wrong turns to accomplish your dream now is a lie. It is never too late. So join an adult ballet class, start yoga being the least flexible person on the planet, or go write a book about your life. Go do what makes you come alive and stop worrying it's too late-- you're in your twenties for goodness sake! ;)
6. Celebrate holidays... Every holiday. No matter how big or small; celebrate. You're making memories here; invite family, friends, a stranger that needs a friend. Enjoy life's small reasons to celebrate.
7. Spend alone time with God. Period. No matter how you worship, praise, pray, journal, or do a bible study... Whatever way you connect with Him, make sure you fit in five minutes a day to do just that. Your heart will thank you.
8. If you procrastinate on a ten page paper until an hour before it is due, you may receive a bad grade, or worse, you may not learn anything at all from writing ten pages. Use education as a tool to learn, not just get an "A."
9. It's okay to hang out with your parents/ family. I know, confusing. It actually doesN'T make you uncool. It's uncool to put your family last behind alcohol, parties, disloyal friends, and t.r.o.u.b.l.e!
10. Stop confusing rejection with love. Rejection hurts, love heals. Cliché, I know, but true nonetheless.
11. If you text incessantly you will probably a. Have bad eyes b. get arthritis in your thumbs and c. Miss out on moments in life you will wish you gave your full attention....((Holla for unlimited texts, right?!)) ;)
12. Exercise, like, before it's too late and you have flabby arms when you wave ‘hi’ to people! ((Yuck!))
13. Don't take everything personally. Everything is not a reflection of you, sometimes it is other people expressing themselves and doesn’t have anything to do with you.
14. Vote.. Not just because you can, but because the choices you make today are going to build your tomorrow. Don't just fill out the bubbles.... Research. Fill yourself with knowledge and then apply yourself and determine how you want tomorrow to look. Vote. Even if politics are the last thing you want to be involved in.
15. Embrace your flaws. As hard as it may be, kicking yourself over your imperfections will only bring out bitterness.
16. Be on time. This one is a challenge for me. As my life is often an organized clutter. But it's respectful. Time is something you can never get back, never turn back, and never change. So try to honor other people's precious time by being somewhere when you said you would.
17. Expand your comfort zone.
18. Make art. Even if you are terrible. There will ALWAYS
be someone better than you. Do it anyways. Art is made to build your soul, to
express emotion, to make the world come alive with beauty.....
19. Stop comparing yourself to everyone and everything else. It will SERIOUSLY make you depressed and unhappy. Remember that everyone is in different seasons of their life; and that doesn’t mean you have to be right there with them!
20. Have a pet. A cat, a dog, a lizard... Fifty cats. You
know, whatever floats your boat! Animals are just great. They teach you things
humans can't. And based on experience, I've found them to be the most attentive
Lastly, remember that you're human. This tiiiiiiiny factor we often forget is that, humans aren't perfect. So you will probably forget these things. ^^^ Then relearn them. Some will be at the forefront of your mind, and others will fall to the wayside depending on the season of life you are in. Don't be too hard on yourself.... We still have to learn 30 after 30, so leave room for some mistakes to write about ;)
With Love,
PhotoSoul Sarah.