I love LOVE. I love the unconditional love given to us by our
God, I love romantic love, I love sisterly and brotherly love, I love the love
of parents, I love the love of a hobby, the love of sweets, the love of
writing, memories, pictures, and the list goes on for ages….
As I was talking to someone who has lived a full life, told
by the laughter wrinkles on the sides of her emerald green eyes, I realized the
heart break she had experienced, the number of times she has broken someone’s
heart and had hers broken, and all the depths of the emotion told by the way
her eyes brightened when she talks about her children, the way they diverted
from mine when she was ashamed of her failed relationships, and the way even
today- her emotions reflect my own, at just 22 years old.
We’re all the same
in love. We’re all equal; we are all fools in love. It doesn’t matter if
you have been through three divorces, or if someone is your first, we are all stripped of every learning experience,
knowledge of past events, and thrown into a chemical and emotional madness of
what we call, LOVE.
Be vulnerable to love. Give too much. Overuse “I love you.”
Take pictures of every moment.
L O V E hard, love
with all of you.
Yes, I know it will hurt THAT much more at the end, or when
time proves itself and you lose a loved one.
But we aren’t sent here to experience unconditional love. We
CAME from unconditional love, and are called BACK to unconditional love. We are
here on Earth experiencing mad love, crazy love, messy love, broken love, whole
love, personal love.. We will mess up, we will go through life and whether we
are 15 wide-eyed and innocent, or 98 and wise, we are all made to be fools in
love; fabulously foolish and brilliantly flawed.
So take time to love today; don’t hold back.

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